Surgical procedures
All forms of minor or major medical surgery i.e. incisions, excisions, biopsies, Mohs surgery, Caesarean section etc.
Electrodesiccation and curettage (ED & C’s)
Medical procedure for the treatment of skin defects as well as pre-cancers and pre-cancerous lesions.
Damaged skin barrier caused by trauma
Acute physical injuries which require immediate medical attention such as abrasions, bites, punctures, lacerations, tears, etc.
2nd degree burns
Superficial burns affecting the epidermis and papillary layer of the dermis; or deep burns involving the epidermis and extending to the reticular layer of the dermis.
Chronic wounds and healing by secondary intention
The normal healing process in chronic wounds is disrupted. Secondary intention healing often has a high risk of infection.
Dermabrasion, or surgical skin planning, is a mechanical treatment designed to remove the superficial skin layers.